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Almost 1 million children in Florida are at risk of hunger during the summer while school is not in session. In South Florida alone, there are more than 280,000 children who don’t know from where they will get their next meal.
Many children rely on a nutritious breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch Program and are at risk of suffering from hunger during summer break. The Summer BreakSpot program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is run in local communities by qualifying nonprofit organizations like faith-based groups, child-care centers, parks, and others. The Summer BreakSpot fills the nutrition gap during the summer by serving meals to children 18 years and younger so they can return to school healthy, happy and ready to learn.
Florida Meal sites are where children receive meals in a safe and supervised setting and may include faith-based organizations, schools, parks, housing projects, day camps or community centers. Breakfasts, lunches or snacks can be delivered daily to a site or prepared on-site depending on facility capabilities and resources. Sites can provide each child up to two free meals per day.
Meal sites work directly with Summer BreakSpot sponsors, such as a school district, municipal government or large community organization, that are familiar with the necessary paperwork requirements.

“Many children rely on a nutritious breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch Program and are at risk of suffering from hunger during summer break.”
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