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Proceeds to benefits The O.S. Movement 100%

It seems that an entire generation of poor, urban American youth is coming of age in an environment of pervasive violence. Programs and institutions have not been able to do enough to reduce rates of youth violence and the type of epidemic it ensues.
The O.S. Movement may be able to help reduce violent behaviors before it spreads to another generation. The creative arts therapies through music has reduced negative behaviors in aggressive adolescents . Therefore, the purpose of the Music with a Message Project is to examine and analyze the use of music, including music therapy, aimed at reducing the negative outcomes and social pathologies that may occur from youths’ exposure to violence. This will help by reducing the psychological effects of trauma and providing youth with emotional and cognitive resources for coping with their experiences within non-clinical settings .
The Music with a Message Project challenges the youth to use their talent in writing, singing, rapping, and playing an instrustment with a positive message that leaves a person empowered.

The OS Movement believes that a young individual’s relationship to music plays a profound role in the formation of identity, which is part of an adolescent’s developmental life stage from the age of 12 to 18 years. We found that youth provide their own goals during music experiences related to their moods from exposure to music listening and participation.

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